UNBAN - ID: 994 - žiadosť zo dňa: 26/05/2023 17:16
STEAM ID:STEAM_1:1:715086141
Dôvod:Ignoring Admins
Popis:Dear Admins or Owner,
I have done something I really regret doing, and I want to ask if its possible for me to get an unban from the server. I'm so sorry for my behaviour and if I do get the unban I will promise to keep myself cool and not say anything that offends anyone.

waiting for your reply

BAN história: Nájdených banov: 2
???????????? - 09/05/2023 20:33
peacocklover36 - 23/01/2023 20:06
Udelený adminom:eRPako
Demo: čaká sa na dodanie dema...
Vyjadrenie admina:
Everything what can i say , all ur bans are from me and u know why ... The last one , permanent , was for that nWord u dropped to voice chat ,btw u had insulting comments on other players , that's reason why u got permanent ban from my own opinion and my own decision :) next time be more serious , less offensive for other players and enjoy more fun with our community ... GL & HF ;)
Hi Rem. I checked your SteamID and you have bans on the other servers too. The same scenario will not be repeated here. You can think about it while playing somewhere else.
Verdikt:UnBAN zamietnutý
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