Aktualizácie sú väčšinou zamerané na užívateľské rozhranie a hrsť opráv chýb , ale tiež zaujímavou je aj audio aktualizácia vzťahujúca sa k vývoju atómovej bomby a odzbrojovacie zvuky.
Podľa najnovších zmien, vývojári zvýšili rozsah počuteľnosti zvuku C4 aktivovanej na plantoch a tak ju môžu ísť skôr zneškodniť. Nie je známe, či sa bude jednať o poslednú aktualizáciu pred spustením plnej hry, ktorej dátum je práve dnešný deň 21.8.2012. Bude to závisieť na tom, čo vývojári stihnú ešte dnes, alebo ak niečo problematické vznikne v zostávajúcich beta hodinách, Hidden Path Entertainment - povedal zamestnanec HLTV.org.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Trailer :
Môžete si prečítať zmeny v plnom rozsahu nižšie:
Added the Weapons Course to the game.
· Voice notification can now show more players talking.
· Updated the freeze panel to no longer show the heath for your killer in competitive mode.
· Added an option in the menu to disable the game instructor messages.
· Update to the player info panel to no longer show achievement alerts.
· Update to the leaderboard screen to default to “Friends” filter.
· Added the “Total Games Played” leaderboard category.
Updated the Play With Friends screen:
· Made the chat window bigger so text is no longer cut off.
· Adjusted the size of dimming when the focus changes between friends list and lobby list. It used to obscure the friends list and a little of the chat. Now it only obscures the friends list.
Bug Fixes:
· Updated the radio command panel so that the radio panel doesn't end up at the top of the screen during a mode that doesn't have a money panel.
· Set Classic Casual deadtalk to 0 to encourage fair play.
· Fixed the freeze panel dynamic positioning that would allow it to go too high.
· Fixed a missing text string displayed when player is not connected to Steam in leaderboards.
· Fixed a bug where the Mag7 could be bought by Ts via console commands.
· Fixed a bug where adding favorite server was not functional in the Community Server UI.
· Fixed a bug in the Play With Friends lobby where using left and right on keyboard or gamepad made the screen unresponsive.
· Fixed a bug in the Play With Friends lobby where typing in the Chat window would cause player names to flicker in the friends list.
· Fix for voice/chat/radio messages. Better unified the handling of voice and chat messages.
· Chat messages now correctly use sv_allchat (instead of sv_alltalk), which should be more consistent with other source games.
· Team-only communications now are not affected by sv_allchat/sv_alltalk, which means that private communications to one's team stay private, regardless of game mode.
· Team-only communication is also not overridden by sv_full_alltalk, which allows teams to privately communicate strategy during warmup time and intermission.
· Radio commands are considered team-only, so these should still be usable for tactics during games with sv_alltalk enabled (e.g. casual).
· Spectators no longer hear team-only communications, except when sv_spec_hear is mode 2 (hear/see comms of the spectated teams).
· Increased the audible range of the c4 plant and disarm sounds.
· Fixed audio randomly chirping/screeching on certain levels.
· Tuned lobby distance computations when performing matchmaking.
· Exposed a convar ("mm_csgo_community_search_players_min") for community quick match to look for community servers having at least specified number of human players already playing.
· Shipped zombie model to support the Zombie Mod
· Voice notification can now show more players talking.
· Updated the freeze panel to no longer show the heath for your killer in competitive mode.
· Added an option in the menu to disable the game instructor messages.
· Update to the player info panel to no longer show achievement alerts.
· Update to the leaderboard screen to default to “Friends” filter.
· Added the “Total Games Played” leaderboard category.
Updated the Play With Friends screen:
· Made the chat window bigger so text is no longer cut off.
· Adjusted the size of dimming when the focus changes between friends list and lobby list. It used to obscure the friends list and a little of the chat. Now it only obscures the friends list.
Bug Fixes:
· Updated the radio command panel so that the radio panel doesn't end up at the top of the screen during a mode that doesn't have a money panel.
· Set Classic Casual deadtalk to 0 to encourage fair play.
· Fixed the freeze panel dynamic positioning that would allow it to go too high.
· Fixed a missing text string displayed when player is not connected to Steam in leaderboards.
· Fixed a bug where the Mag7 could be bought by Ts via console commands.
· Fixed a bug where adding favorite server was not functional in the Community Server UI.
· Fixed a bug in the Play With Friends lobby where using left and right on keyboard or gamepad made the screen unresponsive.
· Fixed a bug in the Play With Friends lobby where typing in the Chat window would cause player names to flicker in the friends list.
· Fix for voice/chat/radio messages. Better unified the handling of voice and chat messages.
· Chat messages now correctly use sv_allchat (instead of sv_alltalk), which should be more consistent with other source games.
· Team-only communications now are not affected by sv_allchat/sv_alltalk, which means that private communications to one's team stay private, regardless of game mode.
· Team-only communication is also not overridden by sv_full_alltalk, which allows teams to privately communicate strategy during warmup time and intermission.
· Radio commands are considered team-only, so these should still be usable for tactics during games with sv_alltalk enabled (e.g. casual).
· Spectators no longer hear team-only communications, except when sv_spec_hear is mode 2 (hear/see comms of the spectated teams).
· Increased the audible range of the c4 plant and disarm sounds.
· Fixed audio randomly chirping/screeching on certain levels.
· Tuned lobby distance computations when performing matchmaking.
· Exposed a convar ("mm_csgo_community_search_players_min") for community quick match to look for community servers having at least specified number of human players already playing.
· Shipped zombie model to support the Zombie Mod
Zdroj: hltv.org